Check your feet every day
- check for any blisters, breaks in the skin, pain or any signs of infection such as swelling, heat or redness

Wash your feet every day
- wash with warm water and mild soap
- rinse and dry carefully especially between the toes

Moisturise your feet every day
- if skin is dry, apply a moisturising cream every day, avoiding the areas between the toes

- do not cut toenails unless your podiatrist advises you to
- file nails regularly following the curve of the end of your toe, make sure no sharp edge presses on the next toe

Socks, stockings and tights
- change socks, stockings or tights every day

Avoid walking barefoot
- walking barefoot increases the risk in injuring your feet by stubbing your toes and standing on sharp objects which can damage the skin

Check your shoes
- run hand inside each shoe to check that no sharp or small objects such as small stones have fallen in

Badly-fitting shoes
- a common cause of irritation or damage to feet
- podiatrists may give you advice about the shoes you are wearing and about buying new

Over-the-counter corn remedies
- do not use over-the-counter corn remedies (can damage the skin and create foot ulcers)

Hard skin and corns
- do not attempt to remove hard skin or corns yourself
- your podiatrist will provide treatment and advice where necessary

Avoid high or low temperatures
- wear socks if feet are cold
- never sit with your feet in front of the fire to warm them up

Minor cuts and blisters
- if you discover any breaks in the skin, minor cuts or blisters, cover the area
with a sterile dressing
- do not burst blisters. (If after a few days there is no sign of healing, or see signs of infection-swelling, heat, redness or pain- contact your podiatrist or GP immediately)

A history of ulcers
- if you have had an ulcer before, or an amputation, you are at high risk of developing more ulcers

Prescription shoes
- follow the instructions of your podiatrist
- these should be the only shoes you wear which are normally be prescribed with insoles