Uncomfortably cold feet during winter?

Experienced Cracked Heels or Dry Skin, Blisters, Foot Pain and Tenderness or Small, Itchy, Painful Red Swelling on the Skin of the Feet or even Skin Breaks?

If your feet have the tendency to get cold during the cold winter weather, then the problem may lie in your shoes and even your socks. In addition to that, some medical conditions may be affecting your circulation and peripheral nerves, which may also lead to feelings of coldness. Whatever the reason may be, quality shoes, socks, and inserts that we can recommend can help tackle this common problem. And keep in mind, to enjoy your winter strolls, it is essential to protect your feet from excessive moisture and heat loss.

If you’ve suffered from cold feet winter after winter, you’ve probably tried tackling this problem by wearing thicker shoes and socks. However, you might actually be making problems even worse in this way. Instead, you’d be better off with good-fitting shoes consisting of two or three layers and accompanying winter socks.

WE can definitely help, head on over to our easy online booking system to book your appointment and speak to the feet experts!