First things first!… Kids with flat feet don’t always need treatment!
If your child has…
Pain in the legs during or after sport, school, or after walking a lot
‘Growing pains’ or pain at night time
Unusual walking style
Tiredness in the legs when walking long distances
Inability to keep up with siblings or peers in sporting activities
Diagnosed conditions like Sever’s Disease and Osgood Schlatter’s disease
It is important to note that not all children with flat feet will develop symptoms!
What is the treatment of this condition?
Usually we will use a combination of footwear changes, prefabricated or customised foot supports (orthotics) and exercises.
Kids feet are like wet cement; if you can get things right when it can be changed it’s more likely to stay that way, and cause less problems later in life.
If you have any problems with your children’s feet, please let us know!