Whether you are looking to set a new personal record or simply get started, video gait analysis can help you optimize your running form and prepare your body for running. It can also help you to choose the right running shoes, and prevent injuries before they occur.
How does video gait analysis work?
Video gait analysis seeks to identify the root of an injury or a bad habit that may lead to one. It usually starts with an evaluation of strength and flexibility that includes some manipulation on an examination table and a series of exercises, followed by a running session on a treadmill in front of a video camera.
The program can identify any problem that might be the root of a recurring injury. Here’s how it helps runners:
- Correct form issues
- Prevent injury
- Make a more informed decision on what running shoe to buy. A gait analysis can examine the issues in your form depending on your running shoes. Be sure to wear shoes you’re familiar with during an analysis since new footwear can temporarily cause changes in form.
Why does video gait analysis work?
Video gait analysis uses software to make assessments of running style. The software can help runners find issues by highlighting biomechanical patterns with angles, measurements, and drawing shapes for precise feedback. Podiatrists can make an objective gait and analysis, which runners can easily see via high-quality video footage.
Video Gait Analysis Software will Provide the Following:
- Slow-Motion Video Analysis
- Frame-By-Frame Video Analysis
- Joint Angle Analysis
- Multi-Angle Video Gait Analysis
Pioneer Podiatry is proud to help runners improve their efficiency and form. Prevent an injury before it is too late by making an appointment today.