Time to Start The New Year Off On The Right Foot!

It can be hard to break the cycle. Best intentions, but busy lives. We’ve all been there!

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Keep Your Feet Healthy

Now that Christmas is over, it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. A popular one is to start taking better care of our health. And while this is a great idea, Pioneer Podiatry Specialists find that most people make the mistake of not thinking about foot health until they have a problem.
However, as any podiatrist would tell you, keeping your feet healthy is beneficial to your overall health. They can be an indication of what is going on with the rest of your body, ranging from poor posture to diminished blood circulation.

Today we’re sharing seven resolutions to get – and maintain – healthier feet in 2021.

  1. Exercise. Many people don’t realize how much working out can impact the health of their feet. Walking, which is one of the simplest forms of exercise, works miracles for keeping your feet in shape. 

  2. Watch what you eat. What you eat affects your body, even all the way down to your feet. To keep your feet healthy, cut back on foods that cause inflammation in the body, such as sugar and artificial trans fats. 

  3.  Begin a daily foot care routine. This regime should include examining your feet daily (especially if you have diabetes) and cleansing your feet and apply moisturizer daily. Stick to a daily foot care routine. Each night before bed, cleanse your feet and put on moisturizer to help prevent dryness.

  4.  Be sure to wear supportive and form-fitting footwear. Switch out your athletic shoes every six months. Even the best athletic shoe will lose its capacity to provide proper support for your feet over time. If you continue, wearing them when they’re worn out can affect the alignment of your foot and put you at a higher risk for sports-related injuries.

  5. Wear the right shoes. Avoid wearing flip-flops and high heels as much as possible. Both can be detrimental to the health of your ankles and feet. If you choose to wear heels, consider those recommended by podiatrists and offer plenty of cushioning, comfort, and support. 

  6. Make sure you’re wearing the correct size shoe. Wearing the wrong size shoe is estimated to result in up to 80 percent of foot problems. Next time you purchase shoes, have your foot measured to ensure that you are buying the correct size.

  7. Listen to your body when it’s trying to tell you something. Don’t exercise or run through persistent pain, as doing so can cause serious harm. Put an end to foot pain. If your feet are bothering you on a regular basis, it is time to visit your podiatrist. 

REMEMBER: It is never normal for your feet to have prolonged pain.

Unfortunately, often foot care is overlooked. Following these foot care resolutions above can help prevent foot pain from occurring. If you are experiencing chronic foot pain – or any other issue with your feet or ankles, book online to schedule a consultation. The path to achieving your New Year’s resolutions awaits you, don’t forget to make sure your feet can take you there. Now’s the perfect time to schedule your New Year’s appointment.

We offer comprehensive treatment for foot problems. 

That’s where we, Pioneer Podiatry can come in!

Our Podiatrists are well placed to do a foot health assessment while still early!

Please give Pioneer Podiatry a call today if you have any concerns regarding your foot health.