An ingrown toenail is a common problem where the nail grows into the toe. It is PAINFUL, but there are things that can be done to ease the pain.
Ingrown toenails which doctors might call onychocryptosis are a common complaint. About 20% of people who see their doctor for foot problems need help with an ingrown toenail.
It can also happen when the skin grows over the toenail bed. When the toenail has broken into the flesh, bacteria can form and occasionally lead to serious fungal infections. The resulting inflammation is not only painful but can cause health problems if left untreated.
Though ingrown toenails can affect people of all ages, some people are more vulnerable to getting them than others. Those with diabetes or nerve damage caused by circulatory diseases should be particularly vigilant, as lack of blood flow can slow healing. A tendency to develop ingrown toenails can also be genetic.
Most people prefer to handle “minor” medical problems on their own if at all possible. However, if patients are considering a little “bathroom surgery” to deal with an ingrown toenail that has become painful, Please inform them to take our advice: DON’T.
This will make the problem worse, and there are better alternatives available at our clinic. Refer patients to contact us now!
TRUST the experts!
If left untreated, an ingrown toenail infection can cause an infection in the bone in your toe. A toenail infection can also lead to foot ulcers, open sores, and a loss of blood flow to the infected area. Tissue decay and tissue death at the site of infection are possible.
A foot infection can be more serious if you have diabetes. Even a small cut, scrape, or ingrown toenail may quickly become infected due to the lack of blood flow and nerve sensitivity. See your doctor right away if you have diabetes and are concerned about an ingrown toenail infection.
That’s where we, Pioneer Podiatry can come in!
Our Podiatrists are experts at treating ingrowing toenails and specialise in treatment with minimal pain and fuss, so don’t delay in getting your ingrowing toenail fixed!