A sprained ankle is a common injury that occurs when the ankle ligaments are torn or stretched too far, often after a fall, or if you roll or twist your ankle. The majority of sprains heal on their own but treatment to strengthen the injured muscles can prevent future sprains.
Anyone, at any age, can sprain their ankle. Sprains are most common in athletes during sporting events but can happen during everyday activities as well.
What are the symptoms of a sprained ankle?
The symptoms of a sprained ankle include:
Pain, especially when putting weight on your ankle.
Tenderness to the touch.
Difficulty walking.
How is a sprained ankle treated?
For the majority of ankle sprains, we recommend using the PRICE method for the first 24-48 hours after injury. PRICE stands for protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
Protection. Use crutches or apply a splint or brace to limit the use of your injured ankle.
Rest. Limit physical activities that may cause stress to the sprain (no running, jumping, or exercising).
Ice. Apply ice or a cold pack in a towel to your ankle in 20-minute increments to reduce swelling.
Compression. Gently wrap your ankle in an elastic bandage to help decrease swelling.
Elevation. Raise your ankle on pillows while you’re sitting or lying down so that it's higher than your heart.
If your sprain is very painful and swollen or you're having trouble walking and putting pressure on your ankle, come see us for treatment.