Are You Ready To Heal From The Inside Out With Revolutionary MLS Laser Therapy?

MLS Laser Therapy helps overcome the painful symptoms typical of musculoskeletal disorders in a pain free manner, which means you can return to everyday activities faster.

Conditions the MLS can Heal.

How does MLS Laser Therapy Work?

MLS® laser therapy aims to simultaneously address pain, inflammation, and oedema (a build-up of fluid in the body which causes the affected tissue to become swollen). This advanced system delivers strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oedema, and analgesic effects quickly and effectively.

The unique synchronized laser beam balances two wavelengths and powers, ensuring safe and efficient treatment. The optical design allows energy to penetrate 3-4 cm deep, impacting tissue at a cellular level. This synchronised approach creates a synergistic effect, enhancing both the analgesic and anti-oedema benefits beyond what single lasers can achieve.

The best part is that its pain free. Anything involving lasers typically sounds scary but we guarantee there is little to no sensation when using the MLS machine. Some patients even fall asleep.

Don't let pain be the reason you stop doing the things you enjoy. Book an appointment and chat with any of our Podiatrists about MLS today