Ingrown toenails occur when the edges of the nails grow into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, swelling, and redness.
Ingrown toenails can severely impact foot health. Left untreated, they lead to infection, swelling, and intense pain, hindering daily activities. Chronic cases risk recurring infections, leading to more severe complications. Prolonged neglect can even result in bone infection or tissue damage, requiring more invasive treatments.
Initial treatment aims to relieve pain and clear infection or inflammation. If not infected, your podiatrist may trim the ingrown nail edge painlessly. For severe or recurring cases, a partial nail avulsion with matrix phenolisation offers a lasting solution. It's painless with a quick recovery, enabling a swift return to work.
Our SOLUTION for happy toes and toenails...
Pioneer Podiatry, Mackay's leading Specialist Ingrowing Toenail clinic, is here for you. Our expert podiatrists specialize in resolving the agony of ingrown toenails. Just as a dentist cares for a sore tooth, our clinic is your dedicated destination for treating painful ingrown nails. We're trusted by General Practitioners, receiving daily referrals for expert resolution.
Initial treatment for ingrown toenails focuses on pain relief, infection clearance, and reducing inflammation. If the toe isn't infected, your podiatrist may painlessly trim the ingrown nail edge. In infected cases, partial removal of the edge or the entire nail may be necessary.
For severe or recurrent cases, a procedure known as partial nail avulsion with matrix phenolisation offers a permanent solution. This painless procedure, performed under local anesthesia, removes the problematic nail edge and sterilizes the nail bed. Recovery is swift, allowing most individuals to resume work the following day, provided they wear open-toed shoes for a few days.
This procedure ensures a lasting fix for chronic ingrown nails, offering relief from recurrent discomfort. At Pioneer Podiatry, our focus is on providing comprehensive solutions to prevent recurring issues, ensuring quick recovery and long-term foot health.