Are You Having A Winter Foot Pain?

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Heel pain and winter weather. Sure, at first, you might not see how those two things are all that well related. Well, we certainly do treat a lot of heel pain during the warm season, too. But heel pain can be a big problem all year long, including the dead of winter.

What is winter foot pain?
It’s heel pain that is common during the Winter Months. We see an increased number of acute heel and arch pain in all ages and if left untreated can affect the ability to perform Winter Sports and everyday activities. Any aching, tenderness, discomfort or pain symptoms should be seen by a Podiatrist to get a diagnosis to accurately treat the cause of the symptoms.

What are some good potential steps to take against heel pain in winter months?

  • Stay dry. Keep your feet clean and dry to help ward off fungus and infections caused by sweaty feet.

  • Give yourself properly fitting boots. An old pair of boots that are tight, worn out, and not providing much support can be murder on your heels. Find a pair of footwear that will get you through the winter months with warmth, light weight, and arch support that fits best with your needs. An experienced shoe store clerk can help you with these needs

  • Take time to move and massage. Shorter days can mean less movement, especially if you exit your desk job into dusk. Take a few minutes each hour, if possible, to get up, move, and stretch your heels and calf muscles. You can also massage your plantar fascia while working at your desk with the use of a foot roller.

  • Try to minimize or reverse weight gain. Yeah, this one can be difficult. However, keeping extra weight off your feet means placing less pressure on your heels.

  • That said, there is nothing wrong with taking steps at home to try to soothe heel pain and improving comfort. If they manage to completely relieve the problem, that’s great! But if they do not, don’t be convinced that you have a hopeless case. You most likely just haven’t found the right treatment or need something more advanced. We are more than happy to help you with that!

Pioneer Podiatry has the experience and tools to not only identify a wide variety of heel pain causes, but treat them effectively—no matter the season.