People might think that spending a lot more time at home for an extended period of time would be a good thing for the heels. For others, the change in routines can have the exact opposite effect!
Just like any other part of your body, feet and heels need support, conditioning, and care to remain in peak shape. As we all (understandably and necessarily) take steps to protect ourselves and others during this COVID-19 crisis, the changes in routine can have unforeseen and unfortunate consequences on the health of feet and ankles.
And, quarantine or not, heel pain can really make your days miserable!
Troubleshooting Heel Pain In an Age of COVID-19
Heel pain, as said many times, can have many potential causes and contributing factors. So the triggers for your “quarantine” heel pain may not be exactly the same as others, even in your own household!
That said, here are a few of the possible culprits (and solutions):
Culprit 1: Going barefoot for most (or all) of the day.
Spending almost all your time at home, you might only spend a few minutes per day wearing anything other than socks (or maybe fuzzy slippers) on your feet.
Without shoes, your feet aren’t getting the regular cushioning and support they expect to get, and taking the full brunt of impact forces when you stand and walk. Do this for several days in a row without a break (instead of just the weekends), and those heels can start to get chronically aggravated.
Continue to wear your shoes indoors at least part of the day, especially when walking around on hard floors. This is extra important to typically wear orthotics as well.
Culprit 2: Too little activity
Although “rest” can be an important component of treatment for an acute flare-up of heel pain, an overall sedentary lifestyle can actually increase your risk of developing a chronic issue.
It’s important that you not let COVID-19 be an excuse to dramatically scale back your level of physical activity. While the ways we are used to getting exercise (work, shopping, team sports, etc.) may not necessarily be accessible right now, we should still find alternative, social-distance-approved ways to get moving. Consider incorporating arch, heel, and calf stretches into your daily routine.
Culprit 3: Too MUCH activity
On the other hand, some people might see a dramatic increase in their activity levels during this time! Hopefully, doing so in ways that are safe, socially distant, and in accordance with state and local guidelines!
This might be a situation if you’ve started to get a little stir crazy at home and are spending a lot more time on walks or runs than you used to—or if you’re spending your day chasing children or dogs instead of sitting at your desk.
Make sure you start out slowly and listen to your body, only increasing the intensity by about 10 percent per week. Also, make sure you are wearing proper athletic shoes—meaning they fit, are in good shape, and are appropriate for the activity.
What If Heel Pain Persists?
If you act early enough, most mild to moderate heel pain can be stopped in its tracks through home-based solutions. However, sometimes pain persists.
Heel pain that is affecting your quality of life is an urgent concern, and our Clinic is still open to treating patients with certain foot care needs. At Pioneer Podiatry we are rigorously following all applicable guidelines to keep our office as safe and sterile as possible.
If your heel pain won’t go away and you aren’t sure where to turn at a time like this, please give us a call. We can help you determine whether you should see us for an appointment, or if there are additional steps you can take at home that we’d recommend first. Either way, our experts will help guide you to the appropriate next steps for your situation, regardless of what they may be.